03011 Requirements 101: The Requirements Document

Today's issue is the first of two topics covering product requirements. Requirements, as the fuel that powers your company's software development engine, are an essential part of product management. Without this fuel, development doesn't happen. Too little or too much, too sparse or too rich -- all lead to a poorly running engine. It is essential ...

03010 Pitfalls of the Paper Document Culture

We're all familiar with the problems that come from not documenting requirements, designs, plans, and expectations. You wind up with slipped deadlines and disappointment. Most of us have learned the hard way that we're better off writing down important agreements and plans. In fact, so much of product management depends upon written documents to spell out ...

03008 How Can Product Managers Help Marketing?

Whether you as a Product Manager report into Marketing, Development, or another group, you play a critical role in helping Marketing position and explain the product so that the message resonates with your product's prospects. The Marketing folks are the experts at taking an image of your software product and polishing it until it really shines. ...

03007 In the Spotlight: Demos That Sell

Lots of people give software demos to prospective customers, business partners, investment partners, and the media. Usually very uninspiring demos. In meeting rooms and on show floors everywhere, your competitors' prospects are sitting through boring presentations as they try to figure out how on earth the discussion even relates to them. None of these prospects is ...

03005 Tips for Delivering Consistent Services

The services you deliver with your software -- implementation consulting, installation, and training -- aren't accessories to your product, they are an integral part of the product and its success. Software plus services plus customer effort equals success. Because of this, it's critical to take steps to make each service you deliver predictable, complete, and consistent ...